Bitcoin Faucet Programs
You can use the Bitcoin faucet programs to help earn Satoshi to fund your Bitcoin wallets.
- BTC faucets are similar to “Paid-to-Click (PTC)” sites where you get paid to click and are exposed to ads.
- Faucet programs are FREE to join and use because the screen is full of ads.
- Their income is based on you clicking on ads and joining other programs, so STAY FOCUSED, concentrate on earning Satoshi, NOT spending money by clicking on the ads to join more programs.
- Share your referral links for the faucet programs and earn commissions from your referral’s efforts.
- Open two or three faucet programs in your browser. Leave them open all day and click on them every time you can.
- With some of the faucets, you can click on a box that will activate a sound when it is time to click to claim your Satoshi.
- When you have enough to withdraw, send it to your Bitcoin wallet. You can set some of the faucets to automatically send funds to your wallet when the balance reaches a certain level, or on a time schedule, like weekly.
- Many times when you click on the CLAIM button, in addition to processing your claim for Satoshi, your browser will also open another window and take you to another program’s site. Keep focused on what you are doing; CLOSE that window and keep earning Satoshi on the faucets you have already joined.
- If, after clicking on the captcha and the button to claim your Satoshi, you come right back to the screen for you to click the captcha again (and NOT giving you any Satoshi), just REFRESH your Browser screen and try again. That works for me.
Earn with these faucets
Here are my favorite faucet programs that I use to earn Satoshi for my Bitcoin wallet. Click on the faucet’s title to go to the faucet site to join as my affiliate.
- Every 60 minutes, click on the ROLL button to claim your Satoshi. The amount you win depends upon the number you roll. There’s a chart right above the ROLL button.
- You can earn 4% interest, compounded daily, when your wallet balance is over 30,000 Satoshi.
- The Free Bitcoin wallet has very reasonable withdrawal transaction fees too. You might want to consider using your Free Bitcoin wallet as your primary Bitcoin wallet.
- Solve a captcha and claim up to 5,000 Satoshi every 15 minutes.
- They also pay out a 5% Daily Bonus.
- Get 50% lifetime commissions on all referrals.
- When setting up your Bonus Bitcoin account, go to CoinPot and register for an account to store your earnings in. CoinPot is used to transfer your earnings to wherever you want them to go.
- Solve a captcha and claim your Satoshi.
- Claim a smaller amount every 5 minutes, or visit once per day and claim the large amount that has built up while you were away.
- Minimum of 5 minutes between claims per account/IP address.
- You can also increase your claim amounts by up to 500% by taking advantage of the Daily Loyalty Bonus, the Referral Bonus, the Offer Bonus, the Mystery Bonus and/or the Mining Bonus.